
We are a church made up with people from various backgrounds and traditions.  We fully believe that as a church we are called to be ‘united but not uniform’, there is always room for difference.  The point at which we are united is in our acknowledgement and belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.  In summary we are united in our belief that:

Christ died – Christ rose – Christ ascended – and Christ will come again!

LLCC is an active member of the Evangelical Alliance and as such, affirms the EA basis of faith  This can be summarised as:

“We acknowledge the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to be one God, each distinct yet truly and fully God, confessing our faith in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God, who suffered for our sins upon the Cross, and rose again from the dead to be the Head of His church, and to dwell by His Spirit in all those who are His. Together we look for His personal, visible return in glory, to bring to completion His work of salvation.

Bound together by these common convictions we acknowledge one another as a people specifically drawn together by the Holy Spirit and as God’s loving gift of the Lord Jesus to each other, joyfully submitting and committing ourselves to one another in the one body.”

LLCC is also an active member of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and as such, affirms the declaration of principle (

If you would like to discuss any of the above please get in touch through the contact page.

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